Blue Solar Water

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I have been hearing about the benefits of drinking blue solar water a lot lately, so I decided to give it a try. Studies have shown that water put in  blue solar bottles and then placed in the sun will raise the frequency of the water using the sun’s rays to help purify and change the structure of the water molecules.  According to Ho’oponopono this purified water is meant to heal deep emotional wounds.

Water conducts and attunes to the vibrational frequency, or energy, of crystals, colour and words. “Solar elixirs” or sun-charged water is an old science that has been rediscovered today as one of many treatment techniques of color therapy or color healing.

Blue is the colour of the fifth chakra, or throat chakra (Vishuddha). The throat chakra is vital as it is the route through which the energy from the higher energy centers can move through to the lower energy centers and visa versa.

The color Blue is soothing and calming, perfect for relaxation, sleep, and regeneration. Blue decreases blood pressure and heart rate, dissolves nervousness and stress. It is useful in the treatment of tension and anxiety especially in the form of headaches and sleep disorders. Blue is also a highly effective color for meditation, communication, spiritual growth and high mental qualities. Blue will help bring about the expression of one’s creative power while bringing the individual to a state of peace and holistic balance.

It is easy to make blue solar water, just purchase your solar blue bottle and fill with purified or spring water, then set in the sun for 1 hour or more. The longer the bottle is exposed to sunlight, the more potent the elixar.


Uses of Blue solar water;

  • You can drink it
  • cook with it
  • make a spritzer for your pets or plants
  •  bath in it
  • make a room spray

Source=Andrea Grace “Learning Center” viewed on Feb 11,2015

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