How to Alleviate Headaches Naturally

Having an intense headache may be one of the worst experiences one can have.  If you are like me then you have suffered from headaches most of your life.  Some are easy to get rid of, but every once in awhile a killer headache will emerge and not relent, not matter what I do.  I recently found a great solution to this problem and the best part is that it is totally natural and does not include medication. It happened last summer after a long plane trip, my daughter suffered from what I believe to be a migraine.  She had blurred vision, nausea and intense headache pain.  After nothing helped including medication.  I pulled out my aromatherapy eye pillow that I had recently made, sprayed it with lavender essential oil and purified water and popped it in the microwave for 30 seconds.  We put it over her eyes and with 15 minutes she was already feeling relief. I had a similar headache months later and remembered the eye pillow.  I sprayed it with lavender essential oil, he...
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Take the Advocare 24 day challenge!

If you are serious about weight loss, increasing energy levels, and improved health then the 24 day challenge is for you.  This program is easy to use and comes with many useful tools to help you succeed including a nutrition guide, tracking apps, assessment forms and an online coach to keep you motivated. The first 10 days are the cleanse phase. What does this mean? You will take a fiber supplement in the form of a drink in the morning, take a herbal supplement before bed and take probiotics which will restore the good bacteria in your gut. Exercise is not required during this phase but can be done if you like.  What you eat during these days is very important.  You need to avoid dairy, wheat, soda, processed foods and alcohol. The second phase includes days 11 through 24. In this phase you will begin to implement vitamin supplements as well as meal replacement shakes and bars. The vitamins come in easy strip packs with instructions for taking them. These vitamins give...
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Is lack of sleep thwarting your weight loss efforts?

sleep sleep quote An average adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. But do most people get this much sleep? In our hurried world with constant engagement via social media most people are not getting adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can have unhealthy consequences for the body. Studies show that sleep deprivation often leads to weight gain. Lack of sleep seems to be related to an increase in hunger and appetite. According to a 2004 study, people who slept less than six hours a day were almost 30 percent more likely to become obese than those who slept seven to nine hours. Recent research has focused on the link between sleep and the peptides that regulate appetite. Ghrelin stimulates hunger and leptin signals satiety to the brain and suppresses appetite,  Shortened sleep time is associated with decreases in leptin and elevations in ghrelin. Not only does sleep loss appear to stimulate appetite. It also stimulates cravings for high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods. Ongoing studies are considering whet...
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Oil Pulling 101

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Oil Pulling has become quite the rage lately.  Although this tradition has been around for several years and practiced by many, it only recently became popular.  So if you want to jump on the bandwagon here are some great tips and suggestions. My favorite oil to use for oil pulling is organic, unrefined coconut oil. You may also use sesame seed oil. Both of these oils have many antioxidants, are antibacterial and antiviral.    The purpose of oil pulling is to pull out toxins from your gums, teeth and mouth and cleanse the mouth of germs and bacteria. Studies done indicate that oil pulling has contributed in improving gum health, reducing plaque, tooth decay, foul breath and gingivitis. *Please note oil pulling is to be used in addition to your normal dental routine including daily brushing and dental visits. How to oil pull;
  •  Do oil pulling this first thing in the morning on an empty st...
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