Lets talk about weight loss and maintenance!

I recently completed a 12 week weight loss challenge through my fitness center. When I started this challenge, I was feeling overwhelmed and to be honest, I didn't think I could do it.  I mean 12 weeks, that's 3 months! I immediately gave myself an out, I said "well if it gets too hard I will stop." I didn't stop, and it wasn't nearly as tough as I thought it would be. I am proud to say not only did I complete the 12 week weight loss challenge, I still follow the program about 80% of the time.  This program gave me so much, it improved my fitness level tremendously, it changed my body dramatically (I lost 14 lbs) and most importantly it built my self esteem. The thing that drove me forward was having a goal and when the challenge was over I actually felt sad and at a loss. Surprisingly, I was scared to eat again after being so regimented, it felt unsafe to just eat what I wanted. I knew that after 12 weeks I would be so conditioned that I would most likely make this a lifestyle chan...
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Fitness in your 40’s

As we age it becomes more and more important to eat healthy and exercise.  And when I say exercise that does not mean running marathons, doing bootcamps or taking high intensity aerobic classes.  Those higher-impact exercises just don't feel as good as they once did. In fact, the aging of the baby boomer generation is one reason low-impact fitness choices like elliptical trainers, recumbent bikes, yoga, and Pilates have become so popular.  Low impact exercises are easier on our joints and can be just as effective as the higher intensity exercises we loved in our 20's and 30's. My personal favorite  is bike riding. I do a daily 30 minute bike ride and have seen great results from this.  I also do a weight program that targets all muscles groups ( minus the quads and calves, I get enough of that on the bike) using light weights and only for 20 minutes. This time frame keeps you moving through the exercises which keeps your heart rate up and targets 2 muscle groups in 1 set of exercise...
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