How Essential Fatty Acids affect the Brain

People who suffer from depression are often deficient in essential fatty acids. Because the brain is 60% fat, brain tissue is heavily dependent on fatty acids to control moods and behavior. The firing and receiving of messages in the brain (synapses)  are critically dependent on brain fats. Since our bodies do not manufacture most fats we are completely dependent on receiving fats through our nutritional intake.  There are 2 essential fatty acids needed by the brain, these are omega-3 and omega-6.  Both omega-3 and omega-6 are equally important and deficiencies in either group can cause problems, and should be addressed by changes in your diet. Good sources of omega-3 from food include the following;
  • cold water fish
  • eggs
  • chicken
  • flaxseed oil
  • borage seed oil
  • whole-grain breads
You can also take omega-3 supplements daily. Omega-6 comes in the form of oils. Most omega-6 oils that are being ingested today have been altered by hydrogenation processing. T...
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Top 10 Hiking Tips

public domain pic12 With summer months upon us, many will venture out on hikes to experience nature at its finest.  But before you head out into the deep unknown here are some very useful tips that may even save your life.
  1.  Never hike alone!
  2. Always tell someone where you are hiking, the route you are taking and when you should be home.
  3. Always carry identification, a cell phone and emergency contact information.
  4. Before you leave, check the weather forecast and pay attention to the weather when hiking.
  5. Study the maps before you go and always carry a compass and GPS.
  6. On the trail, know where you are going and where you are in relation to the map.
  7. Take plenty of food and more water then needed. Also bring easy snack bars and electrolyte replacement  powder that can be added to your water.
  8. Wear and bring plenty of sunscreen and bug repellent.
  9. Don't overestimate your abilities (this can lead to injuries).
  10. Stay on marked trails, respect wildlife and properly dispose of your tras...
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Staying Hydrated!

free-desktop-wallpaper-nature-thirsty-fly-cesar  DRINK UP!

With summer soon upon us, now is the time to increase our water intake!  We often forget, especially children, to increase our water consumption in the warmer months.  I personally, live in a very warm climate and as soon as it starts warming up I feel instantly dehydrated.  I have to adjust to the new warmer temperatures by increasing my water intake drastically. Even in milder climates summer months bring the need for more water. A great idea is to purchase a large glass water cooler with a spout and fill it daily with fresh water, ice and fruit and then leave it out on the counter for easy access.  This will entice the kids to keep drinking. Water is great but electrolytes are needed also to replace lost sodium in sweat.  A great electrolyte drink is called Rehydrate.  Rehydrate Drink has a 1:1 ratio of sodium and potassium, two of the most vital electrolytes that are lost when we sweat. Rehydrate Drink helps prevent cramping by providing calcium, magn...
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Going through a divorce and unemployed…

For women who have been out of the work force for years due to taking care of children or being a full time homemaker, getting back on your feet after a divorce can be a very scary venture. The skills and education you have, may not be enough anymore when competing in the work force with all the new technology.  The search for a good paying job that will not consume all of your time can be difficult especially if you have children to support. Working from home seems to be a great option in this day and age and there are many ways to do this. The company I found that seems to provide the best opportunity for creating and growing your own home based business is called Advocare.  Advocare is a premier health and wellness company offering world-class energy, weight-loss, nutrition, and sports performance products along with a rewarding business opportunity. The start up cost is only $79.00 and that includes $55.00 of free products that will be shipped to you.  The best way ...
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Is lack of sleep thwarting your weight loss efforts?

sleep sleep quote An average adult needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. But do most people get this much sleep? In our hurried world with constant engagement via social media most people are not getting adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can have unhealthy consequences for the body. Studies show that sleep deprivation often leads to weight gain. Lack of sleep seems to be related to an increase in hunger and appetite. According to a 2004 study, people who slept less than six hours a day were almost 30 percent more likely to become obese than those who slept seven to nine hours. Recent research has focused on the link between sleep and the peptides that regulate appetite. Ghrelin stimulates hunger and leptin signals satiety to the brain and suppresses appetite,  Shortened sleep time is associated with decreases in leptin and elevations in ghrelin. Not only does sleep loss appear to stimulate appetite. It also stimulates cravings for high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods. Ongoing studies are considering whet...
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Fitness & Weight Loss Tips

  • Someone who wants to get fit and improve their health
  •  Someone who feels that a lack of energy is keeping you from following through with fitness and nutritional goals
  • Someone who needs help making good food choices
  •  Someone who needs a well-rounded approach to weight management
  • Someone who has tried many weight loss and fad diets in the past

Sign up here to get free tips, advice and motivation to get you started on your weight loss journey.

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Why a cleanse is vital to any weight loss program!

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The first steps to any weight loss program should always begin with a cleanse. Why? You first need to get rid of the toxins that have built up in your system for your body to start responding to weight loss methods. Toxins affect the body's ability to absorb the foods and nutrients we consume daily.  When this happens, individuals no longer receive the full benefit of their daily diet. Every day, a person's diet should provide essential nutrients to keep that individual performing at peak effectiveness. Proper absorption of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals is essential to maintaining a healthy body. Once the toxins are removed from the body, then the body can start absorbing the vital nutrients to keep you healthy.  This is very important when you are on some kind of restrictive calorie diet.  You need all the nutrients and energy possible from the foods yo...
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Home cleansing rituals

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Moving into a new home can been exciting, but may also pose some challenges. Often times when someone moves into a new home they can still feel the residual energy of those that were there before them.  It is a kind of unfamiliar feeling, that says "this is not your place yet".  Negative energy can accumulate in areas of disuse, areas where angry or violent emotions have been expressed and areas where the air has been blocked or is stagnant.  Vacation homes and vacant homes tend to hold a lot of stagnant energy that has built up. To help release negative energy and clear the air, there are a few home cleansing rituals that can be performed. The first home cleansing ritual involves burning white sage.  White sage can be purchased in a wand, making it very easy to use.  First before you do anything, it is very important to open all windows and doors to allow a path for the trapped energy to leave...
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Product Reviews

ADVOCARE COFFECCINO I tried this product for the first time 1 week ago.  I was out of my regular coffee and my husband had been using AdvoCare coffeccino, so I decided to give it a try. PRO's
  • It taste very good, it has a chocolate flavor but is not extremely sweet.
  • It is frothy on top like a cappuccino.
  • It is very easy to make, just heat up water add it to a cup and enjoy.
  • It can be drank hot or cold (iced).
  • It helps enhance mental focus and alertness.
  • It helps manage appetite in conjunction with diet and exercise.
  • It provides key B-vitamins and amino acids.
  • It supports your body's natural energy production.
  • The price is a bit high at $38.95 a box, but if you sign up as a distributor you get an instant 20% off with the potential for 40% off (the more you spend the higher the discount). And it is still cheaper than Starbucks :)
  • It does have 80 calories a cup, but when I added in the milk/cream and sugar to my regular coffee the calories equal...
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Blue Solar Water

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I have been hearing about the benefits of drinking blue solar water a lot lately, so I decided to give it a try. Studies have shown that water put in  blue solar bottles and then placed in the sun will raise the frequency of the water using the sun's rays to help purify and change the structure of the water molecules.  According to Ho’oponopono this purified water is meant to heal deep emotional wounds. Water conducts and attunes to the vibrational frequency, or energy, of crystals, colour and words. "Solar elixirs" or sun-charged water is an old science that has been rediscovered today as one of many treatment techniques of color therapy or color healing. Blue is the colour of the fifth chakra, or throat chakra (Vishuddha). The throat chakra is vital as it is the route through which the energy from the higher energy centers can move through to the lower energy centers and visa versa. The col...
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