Hydrosols, Natures Best Perfume!

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When I first started using essential oils I often heard the term hydrosol and had no idea what exactly that was.  Wanting to be well informed, I set out to research hydrosols. In my quest to learn more, this is what I found.

Hydrosols are created the same way as essential oils, however the end result is quite different. Plants are distilled in a process that forces steam through the plant under pressure. The pressurized steam breaks open the plant’s cells, which releases its oil content. The steam and the oil molecules pass through a cooling condenser, which turns the steam back to water. The water is collected in a Florentine flask, and the oil generally floats on the surface. The oil is the essential oil and this water is the hydrosol. The hydrosol  contains the water-soluble parts of the plant and can have wonderful therapeutic benefits.  Hydrosols contain all of the essence of the plant in every drop, just like essential oils but in a milder form; making them suitable for all manner of applications where essential oils would be too strong.

Hydrosols are aromatic waters with healing benefits, what could be better?  The great thing about hydrosols is that they’re safe to use directly on the skin without dilution and they have a general shelf life of approximately six months to two years. Hydrosols are also very safe to use on children and animals.  Hydrosols can be used on cats for skin issues unlike essential oils which are very toxic for cats and hydrosols can be sprayed directly on children’s skin to assist with cuts, scrapes or bruises.

The chemical components in hydrosols are primarily acids, this makes them a natural preservative because bacteria do not bode well in acidic environments.  Acidic environments are astringent, thus  hydrosols are very useful in skin care products.  Astringents constrict and contract the tissues, closing pores. Many issues can be greatly improved with the frequent application of certain hydrosols including;  skin abrasion, acne, dry skin, rashes, burns or any mild skin irritation. Hydrosols can also be used as perfumes or body sprays or even as a room sprays.

I would recommend purchasing only organic hydrosols. The reason being,  that if pesticides were used on the plant before distillation, then the pesticides would remain in the hydrosol after production. So for the purest form of hydrosol, organic is the way to go.

I personally use a rose hydrosol daily on my face as a great toner and moisturizer. One of the greatest benefit of hydrosols is they cost a fraction of the price of essential oils and still have amazing benefits for the user.  A great place to purchase hydrosols is at Mountain Rose Herbs.  They have a great selection, are all organic and come in many different sizes with varying prices.

Hydrosols make a great addition to your essential oils collection and can be used in place of an oil if the oil price is to high or the oil is hard to come by, a great example is Rose essential oil. The oil would ultimately have the greatest benefit but the hydrosol can make a great substitute in a pinch.

Source=Aromahead Institute Hydrosols viewed Jan 11,2015  Mountain Rose Herbs What are Hydrosols viewed Jan 11,2015

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