Feng Shui Tips For The Home

I have studied Feng Shui for years and have learned a lot along the way. But some of the most basic and useful tools I use have really increased the positive energy flow (Chi) within my home.

Tip #1  WEALTH  to find your wealth area in your home stand at your front door facing in.  The Farthest left hand corner is your wealth area (this area can sometimes be outside of your home depending on your structure). If you have an upstairs this area is a wealth area too. MOST important  is to keep this area free of clutter. So before anything clean this area if it needs it. To enhance this area for positive energy flow add green plants, crystals, the colors red and purple and display anything here that represents wealth ie; coins, collections,expensive china ect… Open blinds or windows and let in natural light and keep this area clean and free of dust and keep plants watered and healthy.
Tip #2 LOVE  to find your love/relationship area in your home stand at your front door facing in.  The Farthest right hand corner is your love area (this area can sometimes be outside of your home depending on your structure). If you have an upstairs this area is a love area too. MOST important  is to keep this area free of clutter. So before anything clean this area if it needs it and keep it clean. Decorate this area with things that come in sets of 2 to symbolize a relationship. Decorate in pinks and reds. Hang a pink crystal in the corner or place 2 rose quartz stones in this area. Decorate with couple or wedding pictures, symbols of love, or books on love. Open blinds or windows and let in natural light and keep this area clean and free of dust.

Tip #3 FAME to find your fame/reputation area in your home stand at your front door facing in.  The farthest area directly in front of you (between the wealth and the love corners) is your fame area (this area can sometimes be outside of your home depending on your structure). If you have an upstairs this area is a fame area too. MOST important  is to keep this area free of clutter. So before anything clean this area if it needs it. To enhance this area for positive energy flow add symbols of accomplishments, diplomas, awards, trophies ect.. Also add artwork or items made from animals including; fur, leather, feathers (can be faux too) ect… decorate in shades of red and in triangle or conical shapes and add sayings, quotes and symbols of fame, positive affirmations and future goals. As always open blinds or windows and let in natural light and keep this area clean and free of dust.

Tip#4 HEALTH & FAMILY to find your Health/Family area in your home stand at your front door facing in.  The area in the middle left  quadrant (below the wealth area) is your Health/Family area (this area can sometimes be outside of your home depending on your structure). If you have an upstairs this area is a Health/Family area too. MOST important  is to keep this area free of clutter. So before anything clean this area if it needs it. To enhance this area add healthy plants with rounded leaves, fresh flowers or silk flowers, artwork depicting health or landscapes and gardens.  Use floral patterns and stripes on fabrics and anything made from wood.  Decorate in blues and greens and add family photos and positive sayings, quotes ect.. As always open blinds or windows and let in natural light and keep this area clean and free of dust.

Tip #5 CHILDREN & CREATIVITY to find your Children/Creativity area in your home stand at your front door facing in.  The area in the middle right quadrant (below the love area) is your Children/Creativity area (this area can sometimes be outside of your home depending on your structure). If you have an upstairs this area is a Children/Creativity area too. MOST important  is to keep this area free of clutter. So before anything clean this area if it needs it. To enhance this area add art or objects that are creative, whimsical or colorful. Examples are toys, dolls or stuffed animals also photos of children or anything children have handmade.  Add rocks and stones and circular or oval shaped objects to this area.  Decorate in white or light pastel colors and use metal decor or furniture. As always open blinds or windows and let in natural light and keep this area clean and free of dust.

Tip #6 KNOWLEDGE AND SELF CULTIVATION  to find your Knowledge and self cultivation area in your home stand at your front door facing in.  The area in the front left quadrant (below the health and family area) is your Knowledge and Self Cultivation area (this area can sometimes be outside of your home depending on your structure). If you have an upstairs this area is a Knowledge and self cultivation area too. MOST important  is to keep this area free of clutter. So before anything clean this area if it needs it.  This is the area in your home where you want to increase knowledge or self growth, and is a good place to display your career achievements or aspirations. It is also a great place to study or set up a home office. To enhance this area add art that displays quiet places such as mountains or gardens and pictures of wise or accomplished people. Decorate with black, blue or green colors in your furniture or decor.  Display books or other materials you are currently studying and add decorative displays with inspirational quotes or affirmations. As always open blinds or windows and let in natural light and keep this area clean and free of dust.

Tip #7  CAREER to find your Career area in your home stand at your front door facing in.  The area in the middle front (right in the front/center between the knowledge and helpful people corners) is your Career area (this area can sometimes be outside of your home depending on your structure). If you have an upstairs this area is a Career area too. MOST important  is to keep this area free of clutter. So before anything clean this area if it needs it. Enhance this area when you want to make a career change or you are seeking your purpose in life. This is a great place to display water features such as fountains or aquariums and art depicting water scenes.  Place any object that personally symbolizes your career, such as books, quotes or affirmations related to courage. Use asymmetrically shapes, mirrors, crystals and glass and decorate in black or very dark colors. As always open blinds or windows and let in natural light and keep this area clean and free of dust.

Tip #8 HELPFUL PEOPLE & TRAVEL to find your Helpful people & Travel area in your home stand at your front door facing in.  The area in the right front (the area below your Children/creativity area ) is your Helpful people & Travel area (this area can sometimes be outside of your home depending on your structure). If you have an upstairs this area is a Helpful people & Travel area too. MOST important  is to keep this area free of clutter. So before anything clean this area if it needs it. To enhance this area add art that depicts spiritual figures such as angels, saints and teachers. Add objects with spiritual associations and art of places you would like to visit.  Use the colors  white, gray and black in your decor and furniture and display quotes, sayings or affirmations on miracles or heavenly experiences.  As always open blinds or windows and let in natural light and keep this area clean and free of dust.

Enjoy and have fun decorating with Feng Shui in mind~

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