Fitness in your 40’s

As we age it becomes more and more important to eat healthy and exercise.  And when I say exercise that does not mean running marathons, doing bootcamps or taking high intensity aerobic classes.  Those higher-impact exercises just don’t feel as good as they once did. In fact, the aging of the baby boomer generation is one reason low-impact fitness choices like elliptical trainers, recumbent bikes, yoga, and Pilates have become so popular.  Low impact exercises are easier on our joints and can be just as effective as the higher intensity exercises we loved in our 20’s and 30’s. My personal favorite  is bike riding. I do a daily 30 minute bike ride and have seen great results from this.  I also do a weight program that targets all muscles groups ( minus the quads and calves, I get enough of that on the bike) using light weights and only for 20 minutes. This time frame keeps you moving through the exercises which keeps your heart rate up and targets 2 muscle groups in 1 set of exercises. It is more time efficient and more intense of a workout.  I recommend doing this workout 1 to 3 times a week

Retaining fat-burning muscle is critical to keeping your weight in check. It will not only prevent you from putting on some extra pounds but will also help you fight off  heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. The best way to retain muscle is through a strength training program and by using amino acid supplements.  I have found amazing benefits from incorporating amino acid supplements into my diet before my workouts. The amino acid supplement I prefer is called Catalyst, Catalyst helps repair and protect muscle, and provides the essential amino acids needed to maintain and promote lean body mass, endurance and strength.

Most importantly remember that you have the ability to look and feel healthy at any age.  Age does not have to be a hinderance to your fitness goals. Exercise in your 40’s should be fun, the more you enjoy the activity the more likely you will be to do it, so pick something that you really like!

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Sources=Women’s Health “Stay strong in your 40’s”

Web MD “Fit and 40+”

Advocare “Catalyst supplement”

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