Home cleansing rituals

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Moving into a new home can been exciting, but may also pose some challenges. Often times when someone moves into a new home they can still feel the residual energy of those that were there before them.  It is a kind of unfamiliar feeling, that says “this is not your place yet”.  Negative energy can accumulate in areas of disuse, areas where angry or violent emotions have been expressed and areas where the air has been blocked or is stagnant.  Vacation homes and vacant homes tend to hold a lot of stagnant energy that has built up. To help release negative energy and clear the air, there are a few home cleansing rituals that can be performed.

The first home cleansing ritual involves burning white sage.  White sage can be purchased in a wand, making it very easy to use.  First before you do anything, it is very important to open all windows and doors to allow a path for the trapped energy to leave. Then burn one end of the white sage stick while holding it over a plate or bowl.  Once it creates smoke, blow it out.  You can fan the smoke with a feather or blow on it. Move this smoke all around your home making sure you get in all corners, crevices and small areas. Walk the entire home covering all areas, when you get close to windows direct the smoke out the openings. When you have completed the entire home put out the sage with either water or snuff it out.  I always keep it outside for a day just to be sure it doesn’t relight. If you have never burned sage before, it does have a strong smokey scent and will leave this smell in the home for awhile.

The second home cleansing ritual involves noise.  You can use a bell, drum or clapping of your hands.  Again, open doors and windows creating a path for the energy to leave. Start at the center of the home and walk throughout the entire home ringing, banging or clapping making sure to get in all corners and cluttered areas.  This loud sound will release the trapped energy. When you are done with the noise making, then create a spritz from purified water and lavender essential oil.  Spray all the areas of the home, cleansing and refreshing the air.  And lastly sprinkle a small amount of salt at all openings of the home including; doors, windows and fireplaces.

A third great cleansing idea is to use an essential oils diffuser and add a wonderful purifying blend of essential oils. I have a wonderful refreshing diffuser blend now as the recipe of the week, that smells divine.  Let the diffuser run all day long to clean and purify the air. I would even move it around and put it in different rooms of the house, especially rooms that are cluttered and need cleansing. *Caution, if you have pets do not keep them in a room with the diffuser running.*

And finally the best way the clear out negative, stagnant energy is to declutter!  Clean out and get rid of anything that does not serve a purpose for you anymore.  Donate these items to charity and let someone who needs them put them to good use.  Keep your home clean, decluttered and fresh by letting in a lot of natural light.  Open the blinds and windows and let in the fresh air.  Add a lot of healthy green plants to your living space to increase the positive energy and oxygen levels. Plants are wonderful at creating positive energy, any living being within the home contributes to the overall health of the home.  Keep your plants and pets healthy and strong.

A good indicator of negative energy build up within the home is when you notice a lot of light bulbs burning out, electronics going haywire or you start to notice a bug infestation. Anytime you feel negative energy building in your home do one of these cleansing rituals above to keep your home clean, healthy and purified~

Source=”Creating Shelter for your sacred home” by Laurine Morrison Meyer

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