How to Alleviate Headaches Naturally

Having an intense headache may be one of the worst experiences one can have.  If you are like me then you have suffered from headaches most of your life.  Some are easy to get rid of, but every once in awhile a killer headache will emerge and not relent, not matter what I do.  I recently found a great solution to this problem and the best part is that it is totally natural and does not include medication. It happened last summer after a long plane trip, my daughter suffered from what I believe to be a migraine.  She had blurred vision, nausea and intense headache pain.  After nothing helped including medication.  I pulled out my aromatherapy eye pillow that I had recently made, sprayed it with lavender essential oil and purified water and popped it in the microwave for 30 seconds.  We put it over her eyes and with 15 minutes she was already feeling relief. I had a similar headache months later and remembered the eye pillow.  I sprayed it with lavender essential oil, he...
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