Lets talk about weight loss and maintenance!

I recently completed a 12 week weight loss challenge through my fitness center. When I started this challenge, I was feeling overwhelmed and to be honest, I didn't think I could do it.  I mean 12 weeks, that's 3 months! I immediately gave myself an out, I said "well if it gets too hard I will stop." I didn't stop, and it wasn't nearly as tough as I thought it would be. I am proud to say not only did I complete the 12 week weight loss challenge, I still follow the program about 80% of the time.  This program gave me so much, it improved my fitness level tremendously, it changed my body dramatically (I lost 14 lbs) and most importantly it built my self esteem. The thing that drove me forward was having a goal and when the challenge was over I actually felt sad and at a loss. Surprisingly, I was scared to eat again after being so regimented, it felt unsafe to just eat what I wanted. I knew that after 12 weeks I would be so conditioned that I would most likely make this a lifestyle chan...
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Staying Hydrated!

free-desktop-wallpaper-nature-thirsty-fly-cesar  DRINK UP!

With summer soon upon us, now is the time to increase our water intake!  We often forget, especially children, to increase our water consumption in the warmer months.  I personally, live in a very warm climate and as soon as it starts warming up I feel instantly dehydrated.  I have to adjust to the new warmer temperatures by increasing my water intake drastically. Even in milder climates summer months bring the need for more water. A great idea is to purchase a large glass water cooler with a spout and fill it daily with fresh water, ice and fruit and then leave it out on the counter for easy access.  This will entice the kids to keep drinking. Water is great but electrolytes are needed also to replace lost sodium in sweat.  A great electrolyte drink is called Rehydrate.  Rehydrate Drink has a 1:1 ratio of sodium and potassium, two of the most vital electrolytes that are lost when we sweat. Rehydrate Drink helps prevent cramping by providing calcium, magn...
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Blue Solar Water

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I have been hearing about the benefits of drinking blue solar water a lot lately, so I decided to give it a try. Studies have shown that water put in  blue solar bottles and then placed in the sun will raise the frequency of the water using the sun's rays to help purify and change the structure of the water molecules.  According to Ho’oponopono this purified water is meant to heal deep emotional wounds. Water conducts and attunes to the vibrational frequency, or energy, of crystals, colour and words. "Solar elixirs" or sun-charged water is an old science that has been rediscovered today as one of many treatment techniques of color therapy or color healing. Blue is the colour of the fifth chakra, or throat chakra (Vishuddha). The throat chakra is vital as it is the route through which the energy from the higher energy centers can move through to the lower energy centers and visa versa. The col...
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